What is Staff Augmentation?

What is Staff Augmentation?


You can save time by conducting in-house recruitment to hire developers at the middle or senior level or experts in the Software Development area. This approach is not a good choice when you are looking for a team player with high priority. 


You would need to make a smart hire using the perfect hiring model – staff augmentation. It targets the expansion of your in-house team to help you hire professionals for your project.


The Software Market is expected to generate revenue of US$650.70 Billion in 2023. 


Enterprise Software is projected to be the largest segment in 2023, with a market volume of US$263,80 billion.  


The market is expected to grow at a rate of 5.72 % per year (CAGR from 2023-2027), resulting in an estimated US$812.90 Billion by 2027.


The United States will generate the largest share of revenue (US$321.60 Billion in 2023) in global comparison. A thriving software industry raises the need for personnel with a variety of skill sets. 


This blog will provide a comprehensive explanation of the staff augmentation process, including types of staffing services offered, benefits, how it works, challenges, advantages, and disadvantages, etc. 


Let’s get started immediately. 


What is Staff Augmentation?


Staff augmentation is simply the outsourcing of workers to projects that align with an organization’s staffing requirements and objectives. You want to create a gaming application and need seven developers. 


Your in-house team is only made up of four developers. If you need developers who are experienced in developing robust apps, you may have to wait a few months before you can hire four developers. This will delay the launch of your project and prevent you from achieving revenue expectations. 


You can quickly hire three developers through staff augmentation. This will allow for faster project completion and launch. In a cooperative model, augmenting your staff usually involves outsourcing. 


Once your app is released, you will not need to fire any of the developers that worked on it. Legal problems and the associated paperwork that come with full-time employment can be avoided.  


Types of IT Staff Augmentation Services


Now that you know the staff augmentation meaning, let’s now check out the types of IT staff augmentation services.


  • Commodity-based augmentation


This type of augmentation is primarily used to add more staff to a business. This type of augmentation involves hiring staff who may not be highly skilled but are still able to perform basic tasks for the business. Commodity-based augmenting can be used when businesses are short of staff and need to fill positions quickly.


  • Skill-based augmentation


Employing qualified personnel will enable businesses to expand their workforce. They may complete jobs more quickly than other employees since they have more education and experience than the ordinary worker. They could also have expertise that isn’t offered by other businesses. They become a significant asset to the company as a result. 


  • Highly skilled augmentation


They are recruited for specific projects by organizations that hire highly skilled people from outside. They can perform tasks that are complex and require expertise. For example, they may develop new products or solve problems in existing products.


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You can also divide it into two categories, short-term or long-term. Staff augmentation on a short-term basis involves hiring temporary workers to assist you with a particular task. For instance, if you’re working on a campaign, you may engage an intern to help you with the design. This is considered short-term, as it only covers one project.


Hiring someone for a lengthy time, generally, a year or more, is known as long-term staffing. It could be that your employees have become so indispensable to the business and you want them on board for a long time.


How Does Staff Augmentation Work?


Staff augmentation is no longer a buzzword but has become a standard in many industries around the world. It’s not just for hiring tech specialists.


Staff augmentation may be the answer to your competitive edge if you have a company with aggressive project deadlines and requirements.


You’ll first need to determine your needs. What resources could your team or organization benefit from? What kind of expertise or specialization could you use to help you meet your project deadlines or goals?


Next, you will need to find temporary staff to fill your organization’s requirements. You can certainly augment your staff yourself, but larger organizations often use staff augmentation services because they are the most cost-effective and time-efficient way to augment their staff.


After you’ve found the right candidates to fulfill your needs, you should follow a pre-designed onboarding process. You can successfully integrate your temporary employees into the project by implementing a successful onboarding procedure.


When to Use Staff Augmentation Services


We’ll now go through the circumstances under which businesses favor personnel growth. When you find yourself in the following situations, you can use staff augmentation. You can add a team member to your existing in-house staff. 


Employee augmentation is a term that describes extending an in-house team in order to add more workers to the workflow or fill in expertise gaps by finding IT professionals with specific technical skills.


  • You Need to Quickly Augment Your Team


Staff augmentation is a good option if you need a local expert in specialized software like ERP or similar. This model allows us to save time by not having to waste it on searching for a professional. You need only to contact the vendor, review the CVs of the candidates, and conduct an interview.


  • You Need High-Level Skills


The skills of software engineers require training, experience, and time to develop. It is also important to consider the skill level, as most workforce augmentation projects include only experienced developers. Juniors are not often included because they do not have time to train. A talented engineer may be adapted to the working conditions of a project more quickly and easily in this way. 


  • Your Project Will Be in the Hands of a Manager Who is Tech-Savvy


When selecting a model for resource augmentation, you must meet the management component. You are in charge of leading your team and overseeing product development. You are required to be a good manager and tech-savvy.


  • You Need to be Able to Work Well in a Team


You will be able to control your project and meet your project needs by choosing a staff-augmentation model. Each team member will be required to submit a report to you. They will also be part of your internal team.


Reasons to Choose Staff Augmentation For Your Business


Businesses use staff augmentation for a variety of reasons. Staff augmentation is a good option for many reasons.


1. Increase the Bandwidth of Your Tech Team Quickly


A sudden need for additional talent may arise in certain circumstances. In some situations, the bandwidth of the tech team has reached its limits. Staff augmentation is a great way to ensure that you do not miss product deadlines because of long delays when hiring permanent employees.


Additionally, since employment can only be temporary, it is not always a smart idea to hire persistent personnel. Staff augmentation is a good way to meet temporary demands for more staff. You can hire freelancers for a short time and terminate the contract when the work is done.


2. Stop-Gap to Hiring Full-Time Developers


It can take up to 2-3 months for a company to hire a full-time engineer, but work cannot be stopped during this time.


Hire developers on a temporary basis or on a contract is a terrific idea when using staff augmentation. They can augment your tech team while you search for long-term solutions. Your product goals are not compromised.


If your staff performs well, you may also be able to negotiate a role that is full-time. To ensure this is possible, you should check the contract clauses in advance. You and the freelancer will have worked together before, so you’ll know more about their compatibility.


3. Talent Pool Can be Widened


You can only hire in-house developers if you limit your search to the talent available in your area or time zone. Many high-quality developers are happy to work from home on exciting projects. You will miss out.


You can use the staff augmentation model to hire remote developers for your project on a contractual basis.


4. Eliminate Overhead Costs


Hiring permanent employees comes with overhead costs such as health insurance, rent, and equipment. These overhead costs can be up to two times the salary of a software developer.


Staff augmentation can save you money on overheads. In a sluggish funding environment, some companies may be forced to freeze hiring. In these circumstances, staff augmentation is a terrific approach to keep things moving.


It is crucial to remember that the price of staff augmentation might vary. Developers’ fees are based on their level of experience, skill set, and location.


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5. When You Need Niche Experts, Bring Them In


Some projects require a very specific skill set, which your developers may not have. It can be difficult to find permanent staff who are skilled in niche technologies. These skill sets may not be required by your team regularly.


With staff augmentation, you can temporarily engage a specialist for a given project. This method of hiring is more time and labor-saving and more cost-effective. 


6. Increase Your Flexibility and Adaptability to the Marketplace


Staff augmentation is also a way for businesses to gain a competitive edge. Hiring freelancers and contractors will allow your company to have a flexible workforce, without having to incur the additional costs associated with hiring permanent employees.


This adaptable team is simply expandable and may be changed to meet the needs. It enables your company to stay lean and quickly adjust to shifting consumer demands.


It is particularly valuable for smaller businesses that wish to maintain agility in order to execute rapid product development cycles.


Benefits of Staff Augmentation


Staff augmentation has become a popular option for companies who want to create high-quality software at a low cost, but may not have internal resources in software development or project management. The staff augmentation model has many benefits for your business.


  • Staff Projects are Faster

The recruiting process requires time and resources to plan and organize. It can take months to update a job description on multiple job portals. You will also need to allow time for applicant selection and interviews.


The software partner is responsible for all recruitment when you start an IT staffing project. You can have a remote development team ready in just a few weeks, rather than months. Managed services eliminate the need for administrative and organizational costs.


  • Hire Top Tech Talent


You may not have enough expert-level developers to complete your project. Staff augmentation allows you to utilize external resources and detect any loopholes. This model can also reduce the amount of time spent on training, as experts will bring their skills and expertise to your project.


The skills and expertise that you require from candidates are entirely up to you. Staff augmentation companies or software outsourcing firms can quickly find you the right candidates to complement your IT staff.


Staff augmentation is a great way to build a global team and take advantage of the best skills from other areas. Outsourcing to Eastern Europe can help you access top tech talent while keeping costs low.


  • Flexibility is Key to Building Your Business


A fantastic approach to scale your team up or down is through staff augmentation. Staff augmentation services are flexible. It might be more cost-effective to use staff augmentation services than to hire and then fire full-time staff.


  • Manage Your IT Costs


Bringing on full-time employees comes with significant costs: training, operational costs for the day, bonuses and allowances to increase their happiness, etc. Having a long-term employee isn’t always cost-effective, however, sometimes it is. 


Staff augmentation is a great way to cut costs. You can hire high-level developers at fractional rates for the duration of your project.


Challenges For IT Staff Augmentation


You need to understand the challenges involved in the team augmentation process if you want to make the most of it.


  • Knowledge and Quality Gaps


When managers are trying to control costs, it can be difficult to maintain quality. The quality of the work done by the developer could result in project cost overruns as well as poor-quality deliverables.


  • Cultural Background Barriers


The workflow may be greatly impacted by the company’s language and culture. The different ethos and culture can affect the consistency of language, the time zone gap, the attitude towards work, etc. It’s difficult to control the motivation and accessibility of remote staff.


  • Security Risk


When IT staff is augmented, security can be an important issue. There is always a potential risk when integrating third-party sources into your workplace. Client and organizational security must be addressed. Integrating security audits into the work process is essential to ensure that client data remains safe.


  • A Possible Misfit for Long-Term Projects


The addition of IT staff can be ineffective for long-term projects or those that require continuous input. During this time, the hired staff may change, leading to disruptions and discontinuity in the project.


Future of IT Staff Augmentation Within Organizations


You can hire IT staff from outside agencies on a project-by-project basis. This is an excellent way to increase the capacity of a team when working on software projects that require extra experienced hands. Your duty is to make sure the solution you select improves your value offer.


The worldwide software market was worth USD 51.08 billion in 2021. It is expected to expand at a CAGR of 8.7% between 2022 and 2028.  The volume of enterprise data, the automation of business processes, and digitalization have all increased.


The software has evolved since the epidemic. eCommerce has skyrocketed, and AI, machine learning (ML), and IoT are all expanding. There are now more linked gadgets than ever before. The greatest CAGR, 9.4%, is anticipated to be recorded by the Asia-Pacific area between 2023 and 2028. One or two of the largest donors are China and India. 


North America will account for over 40% of the market in 2021-22. Ten-year trends show the following:


These trends will ensure that IT staffing is a growing trend in the future and an important part of our workforce.


The model of adding IT personnel may be highly successful. This model can be used to increase the agility of an organization’s operations and to meet its ever-changing business needs.



Staff augmentation, in short, is the best way for businesses to reduce costs while maintaining essential resources that support productivity. Staff augmentation allows you to adjust your resources to meet the needs of the business. Be aware of the pros and cons of staff augmentation, as it can be very cost-effective if you use it correctly.   

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