How To Build a Mobile App?

How To Build a Mobile App?


Are you still unsure of how to build a mobile app for your business? Well, with the advent of technology, the mobile app market is changing.


All businesses, from the Fintech and Insurance sectors to the Fashion, Entertainment, and Retail sectors, require mobile app development. Simple apps like the Flappy Bird app served as the foundation for the creation of mobile applications. It has since developed to satisfy all human wants.


Although user needs and corporate innovation have revolutionized mobile applications, the development process has only seen minor changes, such as additions or removal of steps.


This blog will look at the process that app development companies use to build a mobile app of superior quality. We will also give you an overview of how we make an app internally.


Let’s get started.


What is Mobile App Development?


Mobile App Development GIF


Mobile app development requires extensive resources and research to be productive. There are several software development methods, such as waterfall, rapid app, agile, DevOps, and others.


It is a fact that the mobile application development industry is undergoing a transformational phase. The recent innovation in micro-processing technology allows users to run mobile apps on different platforms. So it is vital you should hire dedicated developers from a reputed company who can build a robust mobile app. 


Market Statistics of Mobile Apps


Market Statistics of Mobile App


  • The Games Segment has the highest revenue of 352,1 million U.S. Dollars.
  • By 2022, the global app market will generate US$475 billion in sales.
  • The total revenue is projected to grow at an annual rate of 8.58% (CAGR from 2022-2027), resulting in US$755.50bn of market volume by 2027.
  • The App market’s revenue from in-app purchases (IAP) is expected to reach US$204.90bn by 2022.
  • Consumers downloaded 255 billion apps on their mobile devices in the year that was most recently measured, an increase of more than 80 percent compared to 140.7 billion downloads in 2016.
  • By 2022, it’s anticipated that paid applications would bring in $5,25 billion in income for the app market.
  • By 2022, it is projected that the app market would bring in US$265,080 billion in advertising income.
  • In 2022, the number of App downloads is expected to reach 235.30bn.
  • The average revenue per downloaded file is currently expected to be US$2.02.
  • Comparing global revenue, the largest share is generated by China (US$166.60bn by 2022).


How to Build a Mobile App?


You must be wondering how to build a mobile app. Well in this section, we will go through the step-by-step process of mobile app development.


1. Define the Purpose of Your Application Building


It takes time to build a mobile app. Determining the right goals is therefore considered to be a crucial step in the development of an app. You will not get the application you want if your goals are unclear. You must first choose your motivation to build a mobile app before you can begin. WhatsApp and Facebook are popular apps that serve a specific purpose. You can answer these questions by asking yourself:


  • What is the challenge I am trying to solve?
  • What drove the creation of this application?


Before you can ask how to begin a development process, you must first identify the goal. The development process will be much easier if you take this step. Additionally, it might assist you in shortening the typical development time for apps.


2. Plan Functionality and Features


The next stage of developing an app will be covered.  The planning of your app’s basic functionality and features comes into play next after outlining the objectives.


  • Find out the top features and functionalities for your app

It’s crucial to write down the features and functions you want to achieve the intended outcomes. This is sometimes referred to as an app’s “minimum viable version.”

You can make the best app by doing market research. Research the app store offerings of your rivals to see what they lack or how they innovate.

  • Remove irrelevant features from your list

Remember, adding features that are irrelevant will not help. It will affect the performance of your app. We recommend that you list only the features which will make your app more valuable at the beginning. After you have released the first version of your app, work on the rest of the features.


3. Do Research on Your Competitors


Before developing an app, it’s crucial to do research and gather insights. The app’s scope may then be established, and the appropriate functionality can be added. Do your research before you start to build a mobile app. You will get a better idea of demand for your app and you can fill in the gaps that your competitors left. When it comes to developing a mobile app, you should never miss an opportunity.


4. Design Wireframes


You have defined your goals, planned features, and functionalities, and researched competitors to gain insights into building a mobile app. It’s time to learn how to create an app. Give it a basic framework and use wireframing to join the different building components.

It’s now time to test your app once you have finished designing use cases. It’s crucial to test the flow of your app in order to enhance user satisfaction.


5. Choose a Custom App Development Path 


After you have finished the wireframing, the next step is to build a mobile app. This is where you choose your app development platform and the coding language. Talking about platforms for creating applications or programming languages is not always simple. If you’re clear about your budget, users, and requirements, then this shouldn’t be too difficult.

We’ll look at another app-building platform that is based on the devices, and see what you need to remember when developing your app for them.


●      Select a Platform Based On Your Budget And Requirements

The first step to build a mobile app is choosing the right app development platform that suits your needs and budget. Don’t worry if you’re unsure of the specifications needed to create an app. We have also covered this in the next section.

  • Native App Development
  • Mobile App Frameworks
  • Drag and drop mobile app builder


●      Choose the Right Programming language


Selecting the correct programming language is easy once you’ve decided which development path to take. The first tool you’ll need to build an Android app is Android Studio. The functionality for your program may then be written in any language, such as Kotlin or Java, and the user interface can be designed using XML.


6. Build a Mobile App


The most important part to build a mobile app is to create the backend. For that, you need to hire Android app developers or iOS developers. A solid backend will increase the power of your app. The backend must be developed and designed in a manner that allows for easy app management and scalability.


The server’s role in the backend is just as important as the UI/UX and design of your app. The backend involves a lot of code, which is written taking into consideration the language, wireframes, APIs, and database.


The team will begin implementing the styles and functionality for the application after the discussion, understanding, and knowledge phase. The screens that will be utilized in your app must be made by the designer. Testing begins after the development phase.


7. Test Your Mobile App


It’s now time to test the mobile app to make sure there are no bugs, and that the user experience is just as intuitive as it was when you designed and tested the wireframes. We recommend that you do at least two types of testing: the Internal Test and the External Test. The purpose of testing your app is to find bugs and fix user interface problems. External testing is made easier with tools like TestFairy and UserTesting.


8. Launch your mobile app on the App Stores

Now that your app has been fully developed and tested, you can let the world know. Submit your app first to the app store of your choice. Follow the guidelines for both stores, whether it is Play Store or App Store. A team of mobile app developers for hire will be familiar with all the policies and guidelines required to publish your app.


Benefits of Building a Mobile App

Benefits of Building a Mobile App

In this section, we will look at the benefits of building a mobile app for your business. So let’s check out:


1. Boost Your Accessibility


The best Android app development tools improve business accessibility. Businesses can use this technology to send notifications regarding what is new or has changed about their products and services. Customers and businesses may develop enduring ties. As a result, the clientele becomes devoted.


2. Develop Customer Engagement


Companies that build mobile apps offer a variety of benefits to businesses. Direct marketing channels allow businesses and their customers to communicate directly and efficiently. You can send as many push notifications and in-app notifications as you like to your customers using your mobile application.


3. Serves Value for Customers


You may digitize any customer loyalty programs you provide by using mobile applications. You can give your customers the option to receive their rewards via a mobile app, rather than the traditional collection card.


4. Develops Brand Recognition and Awareness 


Apps for mobile devices may raise consumer knowledge of and recognition of brands. Mobile applications are comparable to a blank sign that you can personalize whatever you like.


5. Keeps you Ahead of Customer Expectations 


You can use mobile app development to drive a digital model and process that will reduce store costs and increase profitability. Many businesses are built on mobile apps. Overhead costs for brick-and-mortar businesses are reduced.


6. Give your Business a Boost


You will find an extensive support network if you work with a Mobile app development company listed as one of the best. You can still make a big difference in this area, as small businesses lack mobile apps. You can help your business take a big step forward by providing mobile apps to your clients.


Mobile App Use Cases with Real-Life Examples


Here are the use cases of the most popular app that are ruling the market. So let’s check out:


1. Netflix


Netflix is a streaming service that costs money each month to use. On any internet-connected device, it enables users to view TV series and movies without commercial interruption. The service offers a variety of films, TV shows, and documentaries as well as other entertainment content. It is available through the website, but also offers apps for different platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. So if you also want to build an app like Netflix, then you must hire hybrid app developers.


Netflix’s USP:

  • High-Quality Library
  • Offline Playback Features
  • Add Free
  • Device Compatibility


Netflix’s innovative features like the:

  • Quick Laughs, New & Hot – Skip the intro
  • Multi-Viewership
  • A simple and easy-to-navigate interface.
  • Recommendation algorithms


2. Byju’s


The app offers educational content for students in kindergarten through higher secondary school. BYJU’S provides interactive video lessons, quizzes, and personalized learning experiences for students to grasp different subjects.




  • App for 24/7 video lessons
  • Comprehensive content
  • Secure your entire home with this product
  • Engaging app design
  • Simple to use interface
  • Visual aids and interactive tools
  • Chats built-in
  • Profile management


3. Zomato


One of the most popular meal delivery applications online is Zomato. Restaurants and food delivery businesses may reach more clients by using Zomato. Customers may use the app’s straightforward UI to search for and filter out particular foods, cuisines, and places.




  • Prompt customer support
  • Secure Payment Environment
  • Enjoyable Push Notifications
  • The User Interface is Easy to Navigate
  • Search Options for Advanced Search
  • Feedback Mechanism
  • Live track
  • Table booking


4. Mint


This free budgeting application allows users to link their financial accounts to one place digitally to get a snapshot of their overall financial health. This app is intended to help both individuals and families track and manage all their finances from one location. Mint offers tools for users to create budgets and track expenses. It also allows them to monitor investments and see their overall financial status.




  • The user transaction data is pulled and categorized
  • Keep track of your spending and bills
  • Apps for free
  • Credit score for free
  • Manage utility bills


How Much Does it Cost to Build a Mobile App?


The cost to build a mobile app can be anywhere between $8,000 and $15,000, but can even exceed $25,000 for complex customized apps. The cost of developing a custom mobile app depends on many factors, including the complexity, features, functionality, development method, and others. App development costs are affected by a variety of factors, including:


  • App Type
  • Design, functionality, basic and advanced features
  • Third-party API Integrations
  • Timeline
  • Location of the app development team
  • Business Model
  • App testing
  • Security and Hosting
  • Updates to Apps and Maintenance


How To Monetize Your Mobile App?

How To Monetize Your Mobile App

It is important to monetize your app in order to get the most out of your investment and hard work. Here are some human-readable and practical ways to monetize an app:


  • In-App Purchases: Allow users to purchase virtual goods, premium features, or content in your app. This can enhance user experience and motivate consumers to pay for upgrades, more levels, or premium content.
  • Freemium model: Offer a basic app version for free and a version with more features that costs money. Users can test your app without committing to a purchase.
  • Subscriptions: Provide recurring subscriptions to access premium content or services. Subscriptions are available monthly, quarterly, or annually, which ensures a steady income stream and fosters long-term relationships with customers.
  • Ad Revenue: Include advertisements in your app. Ad formats such as banners, interstitials, or native ads are available. Ad placement and frequency are important to maintaining a positive experience for users.
  • Sponsorships and Partnerships: Partner with brands and businesses to promote products or services in your app. You can do this through sponsored content or exclusive offers.




As technology advances, app development is a continuous process. From selecting a partner to Product Discovery and app release and maintenance. It is also important to remember that to build a mobile app does not happen in a single step. The app will need to be continuously improved after its release and in accordance with market trends.

It’s crucial to work with a mobile app development business before you start developing your app. For instance, you may seek a business that specializes in creating mobile apps. You may get help from their team of specialists with any inquiries or needs you may have.



1. How Long Does It Usually Take to Build a Mobile App?

The intricacy of the application’s code and the team’s level of experience will determine how long it takes to build a mobile app. Simple applications may be created in 3-4 months. It may take 8 or more months to construct a more complicated one.

2. What is the Cost of Hiring a Mobile App Developer?

The cost to hire mobile app developers can vary depending on factors such as their location, their experience, and the complexity of the project. It can cost between $15 and $25 per hour, or even more for established agencies.

3. What is the Best Programming Language for Developing Mobile Apps?

The programming language used depends on what is required for the app. JavaScript is a top choice for app development. However, C++ C#Python Dart HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Java, C++ C#Python, Dart, HTML, CSS, and Dart are also popular programming languages.

4. Which Platform Should I Choose? Android, iOS, or Both?

Your budget and target audience will determine which platform you choose. It is possible to reach a wider audience by developing for both platforms, but this can be time-consuming and expensive. To decide which platform is most important, analyze your users’ demographics and preferences.

5. How Do You Hire Mobile App Developers?

Defining your project requirements and budget is essential before you Hire mobile app developers. Post job postings on platforms such as LinkedIn, Upwork, or freelance websites. Candidates are screened based on their experience, portfolios, and reviews. Interviews are conducted to determine technical abilities and the fit of your team. Select the best team or candidate for your project.

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