Healthcare App Development Cost

Ultimate Guide on Healthcare App Development Cost


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

– World Health Organization

Are you looking for healthcare app development cost?

You should read this blog. Healthcare mobile apps are one of the key factors in the digital transformation of the medical industry. It is a complex process that aims to integrate digital solutions in multiple areas of the medical industry to increase value and efficiency.

It is not easy to replace the old and traditional healthcare system with advanced technology. We need to move from paper files to digital ones, but that’s not the only thing we have to do. To offer sustainable solutions, every function in the industry must be digitized.

This can be done seamlessly with a health app. Professionals are concerned about the healthcare app development cost, and they take steps back. The transformation is underway in many hospitals and clinics. Patients can also access their records and treatment through applications.

It is only the beginning!

In the current scenario, healthcare apps are more prevalent in private than public institutions. Understanding digitization in health care is complex because it’s such a sensitive area. This blog will discuss several aspects of it, including the Healthcare App Development Cost.

Let’s get started now!


What is a Healthcare App?


What is a Healthcare App gif


A healthcare application is a mobile app that provides users with healthcare-related information, services, and tools. These apps serve many purposes, including tracking health data and providing telemedicine consultations. They can also provide medication reminders and health education. The goal of healthcare apps is to enhance accessibility, convenience, and overall healthcare experience for individuals.

Regarding healthcare app development, one crucial aspect that demands careful consideration is the healthcare app development cost. Understanding the financial implications is vital for businesses and entrepreneurs embarking on this transformative journey.


Current Market Overview of Healthcare App Development


Current Market Overview of Healthcare App Development

  • BetterSleep, a meditation app developed in Canada, was the top-downloaded app on the planet, with 957 thousand downloads during the month.
  • Headspace was ranked second with revenues of approximately 3.77 million U.S. Dollars.
  • The Health Care Market is expected to generate revenue of US$57.86bn by 2023.
  • Revenue is expected to rise at a 10.40% CAGR from 2023 to 2027. The market volume, as a result, will be US$85.95 billion.
  • The penetration rate is anticipated to reach 3.28% by 2027.
  • The average revenue per user, or ARPU, is anticipated to be $8.76.
  • China will generate the largest revenue (US$500.50m by 2023) in global comparison.


How Does Healthcare App Work?


Healthcare apps work by leveraging the power of technology to provide a range of services and functionalities to users. These apps typically function on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, making healthcare accessible anytime, anywhere.

Depending on the characteristics of the healthcare app, a user can engage with it in a variety of ways. For instance, users can schedule appointments with healthcare providers, view medical records, receive medication reminders, track their fitness and health data, and even engage in telemedicine consultations.

Behind the scenes, healthcare apps rely on a combination of programming, databases, and secure networks. They may integrate with other systems, such as electronic health records, to fetch relevant patient data and provide a comprehensive view of the user’s medical history.

Additionally, healthcare apps may employ technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer personalized insights, disease management tips, and symptom checker functionalities.

Healthcare apps often adhere to strict data protection regulations and encryption protocols to ensure privacy and security. This safeguards sensitive user information and maintains confidentiality.


Why is Healthcare App Development Essential to Business?


The development of healthcare apps is important for business for many reasons. It improves accessibility and convenience by allowing patients to access services, tools, and information from their devices. It improves the overall experience of patients and their satisfaction.

Second, apps for healthcare can streamline administrative tasks, including appointment scheduling, billing, and patient records management. It increases operational efficiency, reduces staff burden, and saves time and money.

Additionally, healthcare apps can enhance interactions and cooperation between patients and healthcare professionals. Features such as secure messaging, remote monitoring, and telemedicine consultations can improve patient engagement and continuity.

People can be empowered to take control of their health by using healthcare apps. Hire mobile app developers that can integrate features such as health tracking, medication alerts, and personalized education, which automatically increase the healthcare app development cost. This encourages self-management and healthy behavior, as well as preventive care.

From a business standpoint, developing healthcare apps opens new revenue channels, expands market share, and enhances brand image through a technologically innovative and patient-centric approach. The data it provides is also valuable for analyzing the behavior of users, improving services, and making informed decisions.


Top 5 Examples of Healthcare Applications


Healthcare App Available Platform Downloads Ratings
1mg Android | iOS 10M+ 4.5
Medscape Android | iOS 5M+ 4.4
Ada Android | iOS 5M+ 4.6
Clue Android | iOS 10M+ 4.4
MySugr Android | iOS 1M+ 4.6

1. 1mg


1mg is a comprehensive healthcare app that serves as an online pharmacy, diagnostic lab aggregator, and health information resource. Users can order medicines, book lab tests, access information about medications, and receive personalized health tips. The app aims to make healthcare services more accessible and convenient for individuals. Additionally, if you want to build an app like Generis, then you must hire on demand app developers.  


2. Medscape


Medscape is a comprehensive healthcare app designed specifically for healthcare professionals. A user-friendly interface offers a vast array of features and resources to support medical practitioners in their daily practice. The app provides access to the latest medical news, expert commentary, and peer-reviewed articles across various specialties. It also offers drug information, clinical reference tools, medical calculators, and interactive educational content. Medscape allows professionals to stay updated on medical breakthroughs, research findings, and clinical guidelines.


3. Ada


Ada is a user-friendly mobile app powered by artificial intelligence that helps individuals assess their symptoms and understand potential health conditions. Ada guides users through a symptom analysis process with a simple interface and intuitive questions. Users can input their symptoms, answer specific questions about their health, and receive personalized insights and recommendations based on their responses. Ada’s AI algorithm analyzes the provided information and generates potential causes and next steps for the user to consider.


4.  Clue


The clue is a highly regarded menstrual and fertility tracking app that empowers individuals to gain insights into their reproductive health. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, Clue helps users track and predict their menstrual cycles, fertile windows, and ovulation. The app allows users to log various symptoms, moods, and activities, providing valuable data for better understanding their bodies and identifying patterns. Clue’s intelligent algorithms analyze the data and provide personalized predictions and reminders.


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5. MySugr


MySugr’s motto, “Make diabetes less sucky!” allows users to monitor their blood sugar levels, carbs, and bolus and estimate HbA1c at a glance. MySugr users say it has changed their lives. The daily logging of data has helped them better manage their health. Doctors can also view the data to improve patient treatment. This app is easy to use and provides feedback and challenges to help users cope with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. For people with diabetes, this app is an excellent resource.


Must-Have Features in Healthcare App Development


Here are the essential features of a healthcare app that you must integrate into your app when building one for your business. So let’s have a look:


1. Sign up/log in


The feature allows users the option to log in or sign up easily using their email address, phone number or social media account such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Sign-up should not be complicated, as this will frustrate users and cause them to leave your app. Think carefully about the information you require from your users and avoid adding unnecessary fields.


2. Health Tracking


This is one of the most important features that should be included in any healthcare app for iOS. This feature allows for monitoring health conditions, such as blood sugar, heart rate, and calories. This feature will increase the healthcare app development cost when you add your application to the iOS platform.


3. Appointment Booking


This is one of the basic features of iOS apps to book and find appointments with doctors. This feature allows patients to check the time of a doctor’s appointment, book an online appointment, and set a reminder. This will reduce the stress of booking an appointment for patients. This feature of the iOS Health app will allow doctors to easily see upcoming appointments and adjust their availability accordingly.


4. Video Calls


Video calls allow real-time communication to take place between doctors and patients. Video chat apps allow people in the suburbs and other remote areas to receive timely medical care without traveling to hospitals. It is an amazing feature you must include in your healthcare app. So you must hire dedicated team of developers for a better and smooth running process.


5. Online Chat


This online chat feature allows users to interact with medical professionals available to provide valuable consultations. Chat is an excellent solution for patients and doctors. Patients can send in their questions and files for consultation. Doctors can also address patients’ issues by uploading prescriptions.


6. Doctors’ Ratings and Reviews


Users can decide if it is worth contacting doctors based on their ratings and reviews. You will need many reviews and ratings for your doctors to create a healthcare app.


7. Payment Gateway


Payment gateways will enable users to pay for consultations and services provided by doctors. Payment gateways like Stripe and Paypal allow users to pay bills easily and healthcare professionals to collect payments.


8. Geo-Location-Based Search


Patients can search for nearby doctors and clinics by adding a geolocation search feature. You should integrate this feature into your healthcare mobile app development. Apple Maps can be used to include a geolocation search function in your mobile healthcare application.


9. Reminders, Notifications, and Alerts


Your app should provide reminders and notifications so users can stay on top of their prescriptions and medicine intake. Location and time-based notifications are options.


Factors That Determine The Healthcare App Development Cost 


Factors That Determine The Healthcare App Development Cost 


Now that you know the features you must integrate into the app, we will discuss healthcare app development cost factors.


1. Features and Functionalities


Features are the first factor to consider when determining the healthcare app development cost. Your app will cost more to develop if it has more features. When creating the initial version of your app, it is preferable to concentrate primarily on the most crucial functions. This will enable you to provide outstanding client service at a fair price. The cost of app development increases as the features increase.


2. App Category


Apps come in a variety of categories, and the category largely determines their cost. Each category has its own set of functionalities, demographics, and security criteria. If you’re building a health app, for example, it should have all the features that make it easy to access healthcare services by both doctors, and patients. These apps must be able to handle millions of users simultaneously and feature a robust security system. All of these features increase the healthcare app development cost and time for the app.


4. Development Hours


The time it takes for an on demand app development company to build a healthcare application also has a big impact on the cost of the app. The number of developers directly affects the time it takes to create an app. If your app is complicated and you need fewer development hours, your team will require more professionals in order to complete the task quickly. As a result, you will need to make further purchases. However, if you are looking for a basic squad, you will have to pay less than in the previous case.


5. Choice of App Development Company


Your choice of app developer will affect the cost. A healthcare app development company that is reliable, has expertise in many domains, and offers expert resources for excellent service. The healthcare app development cost will increase, but the service quality will not be compromised.


6. App Maintenance


The beginning doesn’t end with the store’s release of your app. One of the extra elements that drive up the healthcare app development cost and app maintenance. The app must be regularly updated and maintained once it has been released.


7. App Security


App security is often neglected by companies, despite its importance. Your app should keep user data safe and confidential. If you breach security, your previous and present users won’t trust your program. It is, therefore, wise to invest in the security of your data, as a serious security breach could ruin your business.


8. Location of App Developers


The location is a key factor in determining the price of iOS app development. The price of apps for healthcare in California will be different from the iPhone app development companies in Texas. This is due to the fact that services vary globally in terms of both price and quality.


How Much is The Healthcare App Development Cost?


It can be difficult to determine the healthcare app development cost, as the cost varies according to features and implementation difficulties. App development can vary depending on the technology used.

The initial cost is approximately $8,000, but it can be increased or decreased depending on the features and essentials. The healthcare app development cost includes a third part: the MVP. What is MVP? The version is tested before the app is launched to see if there are any issues or problems.

This will help to improve the app in its main development. The cost of building an MVP can range from $15,000 to $25,000. So it is recommended to consult with a professional app development company or hire Android app developers who can give you an exact cost estimate for the healthcare app development cost.




If you know what you want, you can search for developers with experience working in the healthcare industry. To ensure that you’re on the right path, examine their portfolio and conduct regular interviews with the development team.

Your choice of app determines the healthcare app development cost, the number and type of developers you hire, and the country of production.




1. Why Are Healthcare Apps Required to be HIPAA-Compliant?

The union recommends that if your app collects, transfers, or manages any protected health information, it be developed in compliance with HIPAA. The union recommends HIPAA compliance if your healthcare app collects, manages, and transfers protected health information.

2. How Long Does it Take to Develop a Healthcare App?

The complexity of the app, its features, its platform, and team size are all variables that affect how long it takes to design a health app. Depending on the complexity, features, platforms, and team size, it can take 3-5 months to develop a healthcare app.

3. How Can I Keep the Healthcare App Development Cost Under Control?

There are many ways to reduce the healthcare app development cost. These include building an MVP, selecting the best hiring model, and outsourcing to your preferred destination.

4.   Do Hidden Costs Affect the Development of a Healthcare App?

Some costs must be included in the budget for developing a health app. These include post-launch services such as maintenance, support, and version upgrades.

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