Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt

Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt


The demand for high-quality Android applications is on the rise. To ensure the success of your app and the satisfaction of your customers, you need to put together a talented team. But the main question that arises is “How much does it cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt.”

Well, the hourly rate for Android app developers ranges from $15 up to $25 per hrs. However, the costs for Android app developers vary depending on factors like experience level, location, and app complexity.         

According to an Indeed report, companies that hire top-tier developers see higher returns on their investments than those that choose average developers. Skilled programmers not only produce exceptional products, they also improve your team’s productivity and efficiency in code maintenance. What are the most effective methods for finding the finest app developer for your project?             

In this blog, we will discuss the cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt and the factors, benefits, and various aspects.

So let’s begin. 


How Much Does It Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt? 

The cost to hire Android developers in Egypt is between $15 and $25+ per hour. However, the hire an Android app developer cost varies depending on factors like their experience, skills, and location. To make you understand, we have designed a table that shows the cost of app developers from other regions. 


Region     Junior Level Mid Level Senior Level
United States  $49 – $75/hr $75 – $90/hr $80 – $100/hr
Antarctica  $54 – $79/hr $67 – $90/hr $90 – $90/hr
Europe  $37 – $50/hr $59 – $75/hr $75 – $100/hr


Now that you know the costs of hiring app developers at different levels of expertise and in different places, you need to know what you can expect from junior, middle, and senior-level developers.   


Skills of Junior Level Developer 

  • Basic knowledge of the Android or iOS platforms for mobile app development.
  • An understanding of UI/UX principles is required for creating user-friendly programs.
  • Use of collaborative platforms such as GitHub or Bitbucket.


Skills of Mid and Senior-Level Developers 

  • Expertise with Xcode, including sophisticated troubleshooting and profiling techniques.
  • Experience creating durable and scalable architectures based on paradigms such as MVP, MVVM, and VIPER.
  • RESTful and GraphQL API integration experience, including data processing, error handling, and synchronization.


Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt


Factors Affecting the Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt 

When you hire Android app developers, there are many factors that will impact the cost. Several factors influence the cost to hire android app developers in Egypt, from geographical location to app development type. Let’s have a look at these factors in greater detail below. 


1. Cost of Android App Developer Based on Location:

Hourly rates for app developers are provided below for various locales. The following table will show you the average rate per hour of the top iOS and Android app development services provider when hiring a mobile developer team. Clutch’s website provides hourly rates as a guide.      


    Countries       Approx. Hourly Rates
USA $100 – $149
Egypt $15 – $25
UK $50 – $199
Canada $70 – $149
Australia $60 – $149


2. Cost of Android App Developers Based on Experience:

The cost and performance of your app are largely determined by the experience you have. A junior app developer may be cheaper, but they will have to learn the ropes. A more expensive developer may be selected, but they are highly skilled.

By using this table as a guide, you may learn important information. It will give you an idea of the costs associated with hiring app developers, and the correlation between experience levels and pricing.


Experience Level Years of Experience Average Hourly Cost (USD)
Entry-level 0-2 Years $15 – $18
Mid-level 3-5 Years $19 – $23
Senior-level 5+ Years $25 or More


3. Cost of Android App Developer Based on App Complexity:

Hiring costs are heavily influenced by factors such as UI/UX, platform, technology stack, and others. Developing a simpler app is usually cheaper, while a complex app with a complicated UI/UX can result in higher hiring costs.

We have created a table below that shows how the complexity and cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt are affected by the app’s development. Let’s look at the details:


App Complexity Developer rate
Simple App Earn $15 to $18 per hour
Complex App From $18 to $22/hr
Highly Complex App $25/hr


4. Cost of an App Developer Depending on the Development Platform:

The platform used to develop mobile apps is one of the main factors that influence the cost to hire mobile app developers. However, the table below shows the cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt and Android app developers.     

All three platforms are different in terms of design guidelines, programming languages, and fragmentation. iOS app development is often more expensive than Android due to the strict design guidelines, special development tools, and higher App Store charges.


Development Type Developers Rate (per Hour)
Android App Development $15 – $17
iOS App Development $18 – $21
Cross-platform App Development $25


Benefits of Hiring an Android App Developer From Egypt

When it comes to developing mobile applications, there are a number of benefits to working with Egyptian Android app developers. Businesses can achieve their goals by hiring developers who are cost-effective and have extensive technical expertise. These are the top reasons to hire app developers in Egypt: 


1. App Development Costs Can be Reduced by 70%:

Most people outsource their app development to reduce costs. Outsourcing app development is one of the most important benefits. It is estimated that outsourcing can save up to 70% on development costs compared with hiring a team in-house. 

According to the report of the survey, the USA has the highest cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt in-house. Outsourcing allows startups to reduce costs while still delivering high-quality products and offering lower prices to their customers. 


2. Flexible To Work At Different Time Zones:

Hiring a team has the added benefit that they will work in different time zones, and be available to their clients according to their needs.

You must hire app developer android who can continue to work round the clock as long as they have access to reliable internet. The app development team will be there to help you, whether it is during business hours or at night.


3. Offer Professional Services of High Quality:

In the beginning, there were some risks associated with outsourcing as many new companies entered the market without much experience. Now that the situation has shifted, Egypt is offering to recruit experienced Android app developers.

Your business partners and potential contributors to your company’s success are outsourcing firms. You just need to locate an app developer who is aware of your requirements.

Hire an android app development agency who is familiar with your business, but not your project. Outsourcing companies are equipped with a team of designers, developers, and testers that can manage the complexity of the project and deliver it at the lowest possible cost.


4. No Communication Barrier with Remote Teams:

Although communicating with distant colleagues might be difficult, it has never been simpler. Communication has been made easier with the advent of modern technology, such as Skype, email tools, and Slack. You may expect periodic or weekly updates on your project, if you hire dedicated android app developers

To avoid communication gaps, reputable Android app developers will keep their clients informed from the very beginning of the project. They ensure that the app is delivered in the way their clients envisioned it.


5. Working with Managed Teams:

You need the right team to develop your app if you want to complete the project in a certain time frame. Even an MVP solution requires a team of developers that can include a project manager, business analyst, front-end/back-end developer, user experience designer, and quality assurance engineer.

Professional companies provide regular updates to businesses on the progress of their projects and their costs. They can then stay in contact with the team manager throughout the project to find out how things are going.

Outsourcing Android app development firms have their own team of managers who will lead your project and finish it in the time frame you agreed upon.


6. Confidentiality & Security:

Hire developers from a strong mobile app development company to ensure secure data handling. They will use modern encryption and data security methods. If these terms are missing from the contract, you ought to speak with a lawyer. The developers you hire are not stealing your ideas. Their objective is to earn your trust while also protecting your data.


Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt


Tips to Reduce the Cost to Hire Android App Developers in Egypt  

These 8 tips will help you reduce the cost of hiring Android app developers in Egypt. These strategies will help you manage your budget and hire dedicated developers while ensuring a cost-effective process. Let’s look at the strategies:     


i. Define Your Requirements Clearly:

It’s important to create a detailed and clear project brief before you begin searching for app developers. Outline the features, functionality, and design requirements of your app. You will find that developers can provide more accurate estimates if you are more specific. Scope creep can lead to significant increases in development costs.


ii. Select the Right Development Model:

  • Freelancers Hired: While hiring freelancers may be cost-effective for your app, it might not provide the stability and support you need.
  • Outsourcing Companies: Think about contracting with organizations in nations with cheaper labor costs to complete your development tasks. These companies offer very competitive prices without compromising quality.
  • Hire In-House Developers. This option is usually the most expensive since it requires hiring full-time staff, but you will have greater control over your project.
  • Consider Cross-Platform or Hybrid Development: Developing separate iOS and Android apps can be expensive. Cross-platform frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin allow you to create apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase. This lowers development costs and timelines.


iii. Use Open-source Technologies:

Open-source libraries and technologies can reduce development costs by a significant amount. By using existing solutions, developers may save time and money. Ensure that your open-source component selections align with the project’s security and needs.


iv. Prioritize MVP Development:

Instead of starting with a fully-featured app, develop a Minimum Viable Product first. An app’s minimum viable product (MVP) is a condensed version that only has the most crucial functionality. This allows you to test your idea, collect user feedback, and secure funding prior to investing in extensive development.


v. Negotiate Pricing and Payment Terms:

Negotiate terms and prices that fit your budget when you are talking to developers or companies. Consider hourly rates or fixed-price contracts when working on projects with clear parameters. Verify that your contract has no unstated fees.


vi. Engage in Ongoing Communication:

It is important to have constant and clear communication with your team. Discuss progress regularly, respond to concerns quickly, and give timely feedback. Effective communication may assist in preventing misunderstandings and delays. It also helps to avoid unnecessary costs caused by rework.


vii. Quality Assurance and Testing:

You can save money by investing in quality assurance during the development process. Early detection and resolution of issues is cheaper than dealing with them once the app has been released. Make sure your developers are following best practices in testing and quality assurance.



Hiring Android app developers in Egypt is a cost-effective choice that does not sacrifice quality. The cost to hire Android app developers in Egypt can be a burgeoning tech hub making it an attractive destination for businesses seeking skilled professionals. 

However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between cost and expertise to ensure the success of your Android app project. Therefore, you may make a well-informed choice that supports your company’s aims and objectives by thoroughly analyzing the project’s needs and budget.  




1. How to Hire Android App Developers? 

To hire Android app developers, you must follow the below steps: 

  • Define your project requirements.
  • Determine your budget.
  • Search for developers on job boards, platforms like Upwork, or through referrals.
  • Look at portfolios and references.
  • Interview candidates to evaluate their communication skills. 
  • Clarify terms, including rates and timelines.
  • Sign a contract and begin development.
  • Maintain clear communication throughout the project.


2. Where Can You Find an Android App Developer for Your Project?

You can find Android app developers on various platforms such as job boards, tech forums, and referrals from your professional website development agency. Consider local and offshore options based on your budget and project requirements. 


3. Are There Any Hidden Costs When Hiring Developers in Egypt?

Hidden costs can vary from one developer or development team to another. It’s essential to clarify all terms and conditions before starting a project, including payment structures, additional charges for changes in scope, and any ongoing maintenance costs.

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